This Mobile School Has Taught Over 200 Slum Kids How To Read, Write And Do Math

    What an idea.

    Kolkata-based NGO Help Us Help Them started an initiative called "Kalam Library On Wheels" to help educate slum children.

    The bus runs six days a week, starting at 7 a.m., stopping for two hours each in five localities to teach underprivileged children.

    The initiative has been running for the past three years, has a library of around 75 books and has educated over 200 students.

    Of these, at least 20 are already in mainstream schools in Kolkata.

    The classes include English, math and general knowledge, with 45 minutes every day dedicated to just reading.

    "We have teachers who visit slums and go from door-to-door to convince parents to enroll their children with our bus," one of the teachers, Pamela Upadhayaya said.

    Those who want to donate to the cause can look them up here.