8 Stories From Two-Dad Families On Their Experiences With Parental Leave

    "It was the hardest time of our lives and you need each other, you need that time."

    For gay, bi, and trans dads who may already have a long journey to fatherhood, trying to arrange paternity leave can be an added stress.

    We asked fathers from the LGBT BuzzFeed Community to tell us about their personal experiences with paternity leave after welcoming a child into their family. Here are their stories:

    1. "I don't know how parents who don't have this luxury are able to take their very small children to a daycare right away."

    2. "My conversation with my new boss went something like, 'I know when you hired me you didn't think I would get pregnant, but my husband and I have been matched for adoption and instead of 9 months, the baby's due date is in three months.'"

    3. "We had a rough adjustment period with Gage and I ended up taking an additional 4 weeks of unpaid leave. We utilized a portion of our savings to cover the last 10 weeks financially."

    4. "My partner and I come from traditional families, so we spent a lot of time simply learning how to care for a child — the basics like cleaning, changing a diaper."

    5. "Only two weeks was allowed for an adoption."

    6. "I know that we are one of the very few LGBT couples who have been able to adopt with such ease and I wish that wasn't the case."

    7. "Getting only 25% of my salary was an adjustment, but the time I was able to spend with my son and bond was priceless."

    8. "Most people can't go without pay for so long. I don't know what we would have done if we didn't have that time."

    Submissions have been edited for length and clarity.

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