Architect Imagines What London Might Look Like In 2025

    For one, the Shard will no longer be the tallest building in London.

    British architect David Edwards has designed concept images of what London might look like in 2025. Although it's only 11 years away, Edwards envisages a London that looks entirely different.

    For one, Waterloo Bridge will host a beautiful garden in Edwards' future London.

    Westminster Bridge will be entirely underwater, with multiple turbines lining the River Thames.

    And the Shard will no longer be the only high-rise in the capital.

    But this London isn't entirely wonderful – one of the conceptual images also shows a London with many areas submerged by higher water levels.

    Future London Skyline: Concept art by architect David Edwards for British Sci-Fi film THE MACHINE - now available on VoD, DVD and Blu-ray .

    The Machine is also on Twitter and Facebook.