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    22 Perfect Maps Of Places That Don't Actually Exist

    Imagine the impossible. Via r/imaginarymaps.

    1. The Disunited States Of America.

    2. The Disunited States Of America (if Manifest Destiny had never caught on).

    3. The 124 States of America (if all secession movements in U.S. history had succeeded).

    4. British North America (if the American Revolution had never happened).

    5. The Hypothetical US High Speed Rail Map.

    6. If only landlocked countries existed.

    7. If Antarctica had forests instead of ice.

    8. If George Orwell's 1984 had come to pass.

    9. If D-Day had never happened.

    10. If Carthage had won the Punic Wars.

    11. The Palestine Archipelago.

    12. British Isles, 2100.

    13. Elements of the World.

    14. Europe (alternative history version).

    15. Europe over Tolkien's Middle Earth.

    16. And over the USA, attempting to accurately visualize the journeys of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins in The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings.

    17. Gotham City.

    18. H.P. Lovecraft's Dreamlands.

    19. Jurassic Park.

    20. Star Wars Known Universe.

    21. Underground Game of Thrones.

    22. Redditlandia.