There's Actually So Much More To Peter From "Deadpool 2" Than I Originally Thought

    Turns out, he's a beekeeper with an (understandable) fear of swans.

    Hidey ho, peeps! If you've seen Deadpool 2 (minor spoiler ahead, if you haven't), then you'll know that Peter is one of the best characters.

    Well, it turns out that Deadpool's "Sugar Bear" has a not-so-secret Twitter and, let me tell you, it is informative.

    For one thing, he's a beekeeper.

    Big time hive inspection today. Can’t wait to lick this! #BeeUtifil #BeeSafe

    But, it's just a hobby. According to his LinkedIn, he works as a sales manager.

    He's a Friends fan and Monica's his favorite.

    Flashback! I love this show. #Reruns #Monica

    Even though he said that X-Force "looked like fun," he joined to make some extra cash.

    Excited about my new weekend job. Gonna make some extra Honey Money! #BeeHumor.

    I appreciate all the attention. But I’m just an honest guy, looking for work in a contracting economy. #XForce

    He does NOT like swans.

    Swans are really aggressive. People don’t realize.

    And they don't like him, either.

    Like, at all.

    This is the swan that’s been on the attack each day. At the 4 second mark you’ll see it lunge for me.

    Although, Blake Lively isn't so sure they're all that bad.

    @PeterW_1974 It looks like it’s just taking a sip of water, Peter.

    Oh, Ryan Reynolds follows him, too.

    Happy Friday, Peter! Let’s get out there and smoke a big bowl of life!!!

    Even though I'm not quite sure he knows exactly who he is.

    He has a wife named Susan, who is 100% having an affair with her trainer.

    Me, pictured with Susan and her trainer Gus. These two go at it hard and it shows. #FitnessGoals #Motivation #Susan

    Sorry, bud.

    Looks like Susan and her personal trainer are going for an “all day” weightlifting session in the garage. #HardWork #FitnessGoals

    And, I don't know if he and Susan have kids or not, but he's the daddest dad who ever dadded.

    Whoever invented Skechers Shape-Ups, deserves a Nobel Prize for comfort. #CasualThursday #HappyFeet #LosingWeight #FootSpa

    This is what appears if you look up "Dad joke" in the dictionary.


    I don’t have the phone number of anyone on the X-Force team. I don’t fully understand how this works.

    Anyway, glad Deadpool saved ya, Peter. X-Force for life!

    The only “buzz” I’m on is X-Force! Happy Friday everybody! Let’s get out there and tackle the day!