Amy Schumer Wrote An Honest And Inspiring Post-Pregnancy Message On Instagram

    "Women are f***ing warriors and capable of anything."

    Last week, Amy Schumer gave birth to her first child, Gene Attell Fischer, with husband Chris Fischer.

    Now, the new mom is reflecting on her first pregnancy.

    In a recent Instagram post, Amy wrote, "OK, here’s my post-baby annoying post and my takeaway from pregnancy: Women are the shit."

    "Men are cool and whatever, but women are fucking warriors and capable of anything."

    She continued, "I did Pilates with strong women and went for walks. I threw up violently, and felt sick mostly every day of my pregnancy. Hyperemesis is real and it’s awful. But fuck, what they say is true. The second you give birth it’s gone."

    "Thank you. Every woman I encountered is so willing to help and advise you, and I felt all their strength. And you were right. Thank you ladies from my family. Chris, Gene, and of course, Tatiana. #titsleaking #wearingadiaper."

    Congrats again, to the new parents!