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19 Things You'll Understand If You're The Hairiest Woman You Know

There. Is. So. Much. Hair.

1. Some days you'll look in the mirror and you realize you're actually Chewbacca.

2. When you decide to get rid of body hair, it's an all-day event.

3. No matter how much hair you get off of you, it grows back almost immediately.

4. So when you decide to go hairless, it's usually for a special occasion.

5. Your hair is so coarse that you rarely achieve that "dolphin smooth" feeling.

6. It's such a process, you've honestly just given up on achieving hairless nirvana.

7. Pants are in heavy rotation in your closet.

8. But then other times you're like, "fuck it," and let the world see.

9. When thick eyebrows came back into style, it was a major coup for you.

10. (Though your eyebrow hair can get so long that it actually curls under.)

11. You find hair everywhere — and probably have strands of it in your buttcrack.

12. Your facial hair is really something special. If you let it grow out for like, two hours, you can twirl your mustache like an evil villain.

13. And there comes a time where you'll look at your face and see the world's longest chin hair.

14. When people complain about getting their eyebrows done, you roll your eyes 'cause they've never had to get rid of hair on their TOES.

15. You go through hair removal products like it's your job.

16. And you probably need a second job since it's an expensive habit to keep up.

17. Your shower drain is a fucking war zone.

18. You're very devoted to whatever hair maintenance plan you've chosen, mostly because you've tried EVERYTHING and knows what works best for you.

19. And no matter what you do with your hair, you know that you rock it 🙌🏽.