Chris Pine Hilariously Joked About His Full-Frontal Nude Scene

    Different strokes for different folks.

    Chris Pine is mine.

    Sorry, felt like I needed to get that out of the way. Anyway, Chris is in the upcoming movie Outlaw King on Netflix. He is very scruffy!

    He also has a nude scene in the movie. FRONT AND BACK.

    And while promoting the flick on The Graham Norton Show, Chris hilariously joked about it:

    View this video on YouTube

    What was the best part? When Chris said the nude scene seemed to get a lot of attention and Sally Field replied with:

    Or when Rami Malek asked if the scene was nude from the front or back and Graham said:

    Or my personal fave, when Chris quickly followed up with:

    We stan a star with a good sense of humor!!!