13 Reasons Every Fan Of "The Office" Needs To Watch "Better Life Foundation"

    About goddamn time India got a smartly written, instantly hilarious mockumentary series.

    1. Neil Menon, played by Naveen Richard, is going to fill the Michael Scott-shaped void in your life.

    2. And yes, he's incompetent enough at his job for that comparison.

    3. If you miss a boss that's 100% unhelpful, then look no further.

    4. Jerry will instantly make you miss the eccentric Dwight K. Schrute.

    5. And he's goddamn perfect as Neil's eccentric right-hand man.

    6. Sumukhi's zero-fucks-given policy will remind you of Stanley's amazing moments of deadpan honesty.

    7. There's that one guy who reeeaaaally doesn't want to be there.

    8. Remember Kevin, the accountant?

    Well, once again, the accountant seems... not very competent.

    9. Admit it: you've missed Jim Halpert's trademark glances towards the camera.

    10. The one-on-one interview segments are some of the funniest parts of the show.

    11. If you miss the awkwardly hilarious comedy of The Office, this is the show you need in your life.

    12. If you miss the unlikely chaos of a paper office...

    You'll be glad to find equal amounts of anarchy in the equally dull setting of an NGO.

    13. In the end, you'll fall in love with the characters and how they eventually manage to get the job done.

    Watch the first episode of Better Life Foundation by Them Boxer Shorts here:

    View this video on YouTube
