9 Things People Might Be Saying When They Use The Word "Arrey"


    Indians use the word "arrey" about a hundred times on a daily basis (rough estimate). But what does the word even mean, you ask?

    Here are a few things someone might be saying when they use the word "arrey":

    1. When you've slept late again, and your alarm reminds you what Monday is.

    2. When you're dashing to get to the elevator but it closes on your damn face.

    3. When your buddy is looking fiiiiiine AF.

    4. When you're deep in the throes of a passionate foodgasm.

    5. When shit hits the fan.

    6. When shit reeeeaaaalllly hits the fan.

    7. When you can't freakin' BELIEVE the goss you just heard.

    8. When you know you're going to wake up the next morning filled with booze and regret.

    9. And when you finally hit the sack and the end of a long-ass day.

    Find out all the other meanings of the word "arrey" here: