35 Things People Wish They Knew Before Moving In With A Significant Other

    Having two different blankets probably isn't a bad idea.

    We asked the members of the BuzzFeed Community to share what they wish they had known before moving in with a significant other. Here’s what they had to say:

    1. Make sure you're moving in together for the right reasons.

    2. ...and that you ask the big questions and know each other's long-term goals.

    3. Understand that moving in together doesn't guarantee that you're both thinking about engagement.

    4. You may fight more at first and that is TOTALLY normal.

    5. Having two different blankets probably isn't a bad idea.

    6. You have to be up front with your S.O. about personal issues, especially finances, because they ARE going to find out.

    7. Consider opening a joint bank account and splitting the bills evenly.

    8. Don't be afraid to ask for space when you need some time to cool down.

    9. But make sure your S.O. knows it's really just some space.

    10. Never forget to thank them for all the things that they do.

    11. Remember that your S.O. can't read your mind. Don't assume they know what you're thinking.

    12. And make sure you truly listen and are open to compromising on things.

    13. Sometimes it's beneficial to go to bed angry and wake up with a fresh perspective.

    14. Get all your pet peeves out on the table ahead of time.

    15. And be prepared for them to do things much differently than you.

    "They may load the dishwasher differently, not do laundry as often, or watch more TV than you do. Don’t expect to sync up right away! Communicate any frustrations you have, quickly and kindly."


    16. Learn to accept what annoys you and understand that you can't change someone.

    17. Talk about your standards for what "clean" is, and figure out a plan for how things around the house will get done.

    18. And while it may be frustrating, don't expect things to always be 50-50.

    19. Map out your schedules so that you can both stick to your routines in peace.

    20. And maybe don't rush to get a pet once you've moved in.

    21. Accept that the ~gross~ stuff is no longer going to be a secret and invest in nice-scented things.

    "Get a poop candle, poo-pourri, wax warmer, or something of the sort. Because let’s be honest... we all poop and it does not smell like roses."


    Get the Poo-pourri here for $10, and the aromatherapy candle here for $8.

    22. Set aside a time to talk about things, instead of unexpectedly unloading it on them.

    23. Remember that it's completely okay to continue having a personal life.

    24. But don't stop dating each other.

    25. And don't lose the things that make you YOU.

    26. Don't compare your experiences to other couples' experiences.

    27. Make sure you still have your own space to go to when you need it.

    28. If you can, opt for a place with more rooms.

    29. And if it's possible, try to find a new place together, instead of moving into either your or your S.O.'s space.

    "It would cut down on the often unrealized territorial feelings that can come out when you are suddenly sharing a space that you’re used to having all to yourself. Plus, in a new space you both get to have a say on what goes where, and the conversation about habits/preferences just seem to come up naturally!"


    30. Or if one person is moving into the other's space, make an effort to make it both of yours.

    31. Don't trivialize the things your partner wants.

    32. It could help to do a test run.

    33. Before a difficult discussion, always remember what you love about the person, why you cherish the relationship, and how your life is better with them in it.

    34. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the adventure.

    35. And last but not least, make sure to hide the Oreos.

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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