• Bake Off 2016 badge

Val's Speech During "Bake Off" Is Unexpected And Wonderful

Her passion and dedication are an inspiration. WARNING: Spoilers ahead.

The latest episode of Bake Off can only be described as PEAK VAL. We got some great new Val quotes:

And situations that can only be summed up with one of Val's most used words: "Disaster."

Can Val just be given her own show where everything she bakes turns out a little odd and she says 'that's how I like it' all the time #GBBO

But once again she came out with such sass.

You knew that she was going to go out this episode. She couldn't have lasted any longer. Nobody can be the underdog for this long in this sort of show. And yet she didn't stress. She seemed to breeze through it all.

And then at the end, when we knew that she wasn't coming back to the tent next week, she came out with this unexpected and wonderful speech.

Here is her full speech at the end of the show.

When you bake, you always bake for a reason. And you're giving it to people, so you make it the best you can. And you make it with love.

And whenever make anything, I stir love into it, I knead love into it, so when I present it, it's special.

I'm not unhappy. I've had a great time with some great people.

I didn't expect to ever get here, never mind be on it.

For many of us, we do hobbies for the same reason as Val. We want to make other people happy.

The activity that we're getting involved in is going to be inevitably shown to someone else at one point or another, so you spend a hell of a lot of time and energy making sure you are the absolute best at it you can be.

Thank you Val.

“Whenever I make anything I stir love into it”. I don't care who wins Val is the true winner of this series #GBBO

Val, you may not have won bake off, but you truly won my heart ❤️ #GBBO @BritishBakeOff

You will be missed.

So damn much.

I cried when Val said she puts love into her bakes. Let's all put love into things we do. I like love so much. #GBBO

Thank you.