Tina Fey Devoured A Sheet Cake Whilst Giving A Scathing Speech About Trump's Comments On Charlottesville

    “And then Donny Jonny says we need to defend our country’s beautiful Confederate monuments, when you know he would take them down in a second if he thought he could build a bunch of poorly constructed condos on the spot.”

    Tina Fey, a University of Virginia graduate, made a guest appearance on Weekend Update: Summer Edition, to address the situation in Charlottesville.

    SNL / Via Facebook: video.php

    She started her speech by arguing that there are not two sides in what happened in Charlottesville, despite President Trump's comments that violence was caused by "both sides".

    She then encouraged Americans to take up "sheet caking" as a way of facing the troubles in the country.

    All of your rants should be made while eating cake.

    She continued by homing in on Donald Trump's comments on the destruction of what he refers to as "beautiful" Confederate statues.

    And saying that “sheet caking” is a thing that many women have been doing ever since Trump got elected.

    She concluded her speech with these words to those who are anxious about rallies that are taking place this weekend.

    Her speech drew a lot of attention on social media.

    I support Tina Fey's new #sheetcaking protest movement. A sheet cake a week will only bring more love to the world.… https://t.co/PkLR5sFeGx

    LOL Tina Fey takes up "sheetcaking" which has been exactly what I've done but with M&M milkshakes.