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Olivia Colman Should Be The Doctor In "Doctor Who"


We still do not know who the next Doctor in Doctor Who will be, so let me just say right here, right now...

It should be Olivia Colman.

If you are an alien planning on attacking Earth, you would goddamn not get past Olivia Colman.

She would destroy you.

She would also negotiate with them like this.

Everything that Olivia Colman is in is absolutely stellar. From Sally in that Olympic spoof Twenty Twelve...

...to PC Doris in Hot Fuzz...

...to Fleabag's godawful stepmother in Fleabag.

And that's before I talk about that episode in Thomas the Tank Engine where Marion, voiced by Colman, kept thinking she was seeing real-life dinosaurs when in fact they were fake plastic dinosaurs on their way to a park.

Colman has the best lines in Thomas and Friends.

I'm serious.

Now I know that some of you out there would be like "Olivia Colman has already been in Doctor Who in Matt Smith's first proper episode so it's impossible that she should come back again blahblahblah..."

You can't remember the episode so they're like...

"You know, that episode with Colman with the teeth."

Well, Peter Capaldi was in Doctor Who before he was the goddamn doctor of Doctor Who.

And who else was in that episode? Karen Gillan.

That's right.

I am not kidding, Donna.

Back to Colman's cameo, here's a quick summary if you haven't seen that episode: she fucking nailed it.

And this is how that scene should have ended*

P.S. Whilst writing this article I stumbled across this old article I wrote ages ago about Olivia Colman.

For the record, if I could turn back time I would have made the headline this and only this.