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16 Things You Only Notice Between Boxing Day And New Year's Eve

What day is this? No, really guys, what day is it today?

1. What day is it? No, really. Tell me. What day is it?

2. Christmas Day? CHRISTMAS DINNER.

3. Boxing Day? Leftover sandwiches. Great!

4. 27 December? Chicken soup. Oh. Oh. Oh good.

5. And how much is left of THAT roast dinner?

6. And don't even think about the amount of empty bottles there currently are in your recycling bin.

7. Everything is currently a little bit weird. All the people you normally listen to on the radio aren't there.

8. Newspapers are even more paper thin than usual.

9. When you turn on the TV at 6pm for the news...

...you get something like this instead.

10. It's not like there is much news anyway. There's just the Queen's Christmas speech...

...and the media reporting what she says.

11. The only other news at this time of year is the sales. You feel sorry for the journalist who has to report on them.

Their report will consist of people standing outside shopping centres looking quite excited/cold.

There will then be footage of thousands of tourists bursting into a store at 400 miles per hour.

And the report is then followed by an interview with a retail boss boasting about how great it all is.

12. Do you do Boxing Day sales? No, you don't.

13. You decide that you'll avoid the crowds but still get some bargains. You'll do it next month.

But after three days of not doing much after Christmas...

...and seeing no more presents under the tree...


14. Speaking of all of this shopping lark, why are there so many sofa adverts at this time of year?

For months we've had meaningful adverts telling us how important and special Christmas is...

...but now they want you out of the house at 6 am on Boxing Day.

15. But even though the break is long (and staying at your parents is hard as they live in the middle of nowhere)...

16. ...you wouldn't have it any other way (especially when there is still a lot of booze in the fridge).

Oh, and a lot of food in the fridge still? OMG WIN.