13 Reasons Why "Dapper Laughs: On The Pull" Is The Most Awkward Show On TV

    The Vine comedian has got his own show in which he tries to teach people to pull. Here's every awkward moment so you don't need to watch it. Warning: NSFW.

    1. Dapper Laughs: On the Pull is a makeover show unlike any other. For one thing, its host opens the first episode like this.

    Hungry Bear Media / ITV2 / vine.co / itv.com

    Vine star Dapper Laughs, aka Daniel O'Reilly, says: "Basically, I want you guys to find Mr and Mrs Right. Do I bollocks. What I'm going to do is show you guys how to fucking pull. Oi oi!"

    It starts with Dapper meeting a "geezer" keen to get with girls but just unable to.

    2. Surprise TV makeovers normally involve presenters making the everyday subjects feel special. Here, Dapper just generally insults them.

    Hungry Bear Media / vine.co / itv.com

    You wouldn't catch Gok Wan saying that.

    3. There are small features on how to transform your life throughout the show. This is one of them.

    The segment is full of useful advice like this.

    4. Ricky is challenged to chat up some women while they give him a manicure, but fails. So Dapper shows Ricky how it is done.

    Hungry Bear Media / ITV2 / vine.co

    This makes you even more confused. Is Dapper taking the mick out of how lads chat girls up here, or is he convincing others that women should and do like to be chatted up in this way?

    5. The next step in Ricky's makeover is a spray tan.

    Because all girls love a spray tan, or something.

    6. This is followed by an interview with some of Ricky's mates. Dapper opens with the following question.

    7. Ricky's new look is introduced to the lads.

    8. This is followed by the oddest skit of the show.

    9. In it, Dapper demonstrates all the things wannabe lads shouldn't do.

    Hungry Bear Media / itv.com / vine.co

    This makes you a bit angry. Is he just playing with lad culture, or is he assuming that all women are exactly the same, that they all hate and like the same things?

    10. Now it's time for the final challenge. They head to a bar to chat up some women, and Ricky is told not to be weird.

    11. Dapper says this to Ricky.

    12. Then Ricky meets a girl called Nicole and they click.

    13. But Dapper is convinced that his method worked.