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15 Nature Photos That Will Make You Say "Damn"

In case you've forgotten, our world is an amazingly beautiful place.

These photographs are part of a final selection of entries from the 2016 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year contest.

1. Thousands of snow geese flying in Bosque del Apache, New Mexico.

2. A colorful snow cave on the slopes of the Mutnovsky volcano.

3. A pair of Kingfisher birds exchanging an engagement present.

4. Two colorful mantises.

5. An infinity symbol made by oil sands in Fort McMurray, Canada.

6. A hummingbird's iridescent feathers.

7. Beautiful waves of fog in Mill Valley, California.

8. An orphaned orangutan on the island of Borneo.

9. A haunting sunrise at Mount Bromo.

10. A very hungry Northern gannet off the island of Noss in Scotland.

11. A photo that looks like a Rothko Painting, taken in Kaua'i.

12. A surreal Celtic spiral in Scotland.

13. Majestic horses running in China.

14. Buffalo in a thick fog in Yellowstone.

15. And glaciers looking massive next to a sailboat in Greenland.

The contest ends November 4, so there is still time to enter if you’re a nature photographer!


These photos are part of a final selection of entries from the 2016 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year contest. An earlier version of this post stated that they were finalists.