11 Women Who Did Drake Better Than Drake (On Halloween)

    Started dressing up (as Drake) and going out more.

    1. These badass women dressed up as Drake for Halloween and they will seriously make you do a double take.

    2. Like this woman who perfected the signature brows and facial hair.

    3. From the hat to the chains, their outfits were on point.

    4. Drake who?

    5. C'mon, somebody hold her phone!

    6. They effortlessly recreated those iconic dance moves.

    7. And rocked all the right accessories.

    8. A couple of them travelled with their squad, who were also decked out.

    9. I mean, just go ahead and call her the referee because she be so official.

    10. Some took it one step further and suited up with more realistic beards.

    11. Or completely crushed it by drawing inspiration from the Hotling Bling tennis meme.

    Stay awesome, champagnemamis.