18 Photos That Prove That Halifax Is Too Hipster To Function

    Microbrew or die.

    1. When a plain old window just wouldn't do.

    2. And when customers made you wonder what century you were living in.

    3. When a bike wasn't complete without this decorative touch.

    4. And when people couldn't tell if this was a bench or an art installation.

    5. When even the pavement took its style inspiration from the 1940s.

    6. And when this crime was committed.

    7. When dining rooms weren't in actual rooms.

    8. And when street performers opted for a didgeridoos over guitars.

    9. When scented candles were inspired by beer.

    10. And when these street lamps defied street lamp norms.

    11. When donairs came in tiny steamed buns.

    12. And when this orchestra came together.

    13. When grooming kits were strictly designed for lumberjacks.

    14. And when this was ~normal~.

    15. When magazine covers looked a little like this.

    16. And when the traffic signs wore knitted sweaters.

    17. When beer came in a jug and then was served into an upside-down bottle.

    18. And lastly, when this existed.