21 Photos Of Food That Are Basically Porn For Canadians

    Prepare to drool on your keyboard.

    1. This enormous Coffee Crisp cake that will have you begging for a slice.

    2. This spectacular bowl of KD with fire-roasted ~weiners~.

    3. This golden poutine smothered in rich gravy.

    4. This satisfying scoop of Kawartha Dairy ice cream.

    5. This stunning Montreal smoked meat sandwich that's been piled high.

    6. This shimmering maple BeaverTail that's just waiting for you to take a bite out of it.

    7. This perfectly-peppered Caesar.

    8. This chewy Montreal bagel that has the ultimate bagel-to-cream-cheese ratio.

    9. These buttery pets de sœurs that are messy but totally worth it.

    10. This creamy lobster roll that's almost overflowing.

    11. These heavenly maple taffies that will have you licking your fingers.

    12. This simple, but magnificent, peameal sandwich.

    13. This hot, greasy box full of cheesy garlic fingers.

    14. These butter tarts that look dazzling in the sunlight.

    15. This hot chicken sandwich that could only be described as incredibly erotic.

    16. This flaky and warm Saskatoon berry pie topped with a scoop of ice cream.

    17. This saucy and savoury donair that will tickle your tastebuds.

    18. These maple cream cookies that are so simple and so wonderful.

    19. This fresh and warm bannock cooked in the great outdoors.

    20. This brillantly thick pouding chomeur.

    21. And these decadent nanaimo bars with a NSFW layer of shiny frosting.