Want To Help Out With A BuzzFeed Quiz Research Study? We Want To Hear From You!

    Help us make BuzzFeed Quizzes even better!

    Hey, you. Yeah, YOU.

    We’re working on a small project to make BuzzFeed Quizzes even better, and we would love to hear from Gen Z and millennials!

    If you're the type of person who secretly takes BuzzFeed Quizzes during your Zoom class, screenshots your results and sends them to your friends, or feels a rush of adrenaline whenever you get a perfect score on a trivia quiz, we want to hear from you!

    OK, now let's get down to the good stuff. What's in it for you? If you qualify and are selected, you'll receive a $60 Amazon gift card from us.

    Does this sound like something you'd be interested in? If so, please fill out this form to be considered for this BuzzFeed Quiz Research Study! 🤓

    QUESTIONS? Feel free to email yagmur.erten@buzzfeed.com and we'll help you out! 💫