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17 Things Guaranteed To Happen When You Visit Harry Potter World For The First Time

Universal Studios Hollywood: For the Potterhead that can't afford a trip to Orlando.

1. Upon seeing the snow-topped buildings, your heart will probably stop for a bit.

2. And you will be incredibly overwhelmed about what to do first.

3. Ultimately deciding that you should probably go on The Forbidden Journey before it gets any busier.

4. And walking through the castle is almost too much for your inner 11-year-old self to handle.

5. From seeing Dumbledore's office...

6. ...to the Defense Against The Dark Arts classroom, you'll probably cry a little.

7. After you're nice and dizzy from the 3-D glasses, you'll decide to go on the Flight Of The Hippogriff.

8. Which ends up being less exciting than a trip to the DMV, but you're glad you did it at least once.

9. And then decide to get Butterbeer after, to make up for the Hippogriff ride.


10. Which will pair well with your journey through each of the stores.

11. You'll try to convince yourself that you need everything you see in the stores, but your wallet will disagree.

12. So you'll go through Ollivander's wand experience to take your mind off of it.

13. Even though as soon as you start looking through wands, your urge to buy one increases exponentially.

14. Until you see a wand that you want to buy, but can't afford, and decide to eat your feelings at the Three Broomsticks instead.

15. Where you'll feel like you're just biding time until the meeting for Dumbledore's Army starts.

16. Eventually it sinks in that you've done everything there is to do and your heart breaks a little as you leave.

17. Because you don't want to go home, but you realize: