The Definitive Ranking Of Fruits By Coolness

    Yes, a cucumber is technically a fruit and no, it's not being included because come on.

    30. Prunes

    29. Grapes

    28. Apples

    27. Plums

    26. Oranges

    25. Bananas

    24. Lemons

    23. Canteloupes

    22. Strawberries

    21. Cranberries

    20. Dates

    19. Watermelons

    18. Peaches

    17. Grapefruit

    16. Nectarines

    15. Blueberries

    14. Limes

    13. Persimmons

    12. Apricots

    11. Cherries

    10. Guavas

    9. Raspberries

    8. Blood oranges

    7. Mangos

    6. Pomegranates

    5. Papayas

    4. Kiwis

    3. Starfruit

    2. Pineapple

    1. California Raisins

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    Because they wear sunglasses.