23 Signs You Did Mock Trial

    Do your parents say, "Don't Mock Trial me"? Do you say "objection" in regular conversation?

    1. You watch Law & Order the way regular people watch sports.

    2. Your parents still say, "Don't mock trial me."

    3. If you have to interact with the police, never fear, you have case law on your side.

    4. You still take notes on these.

    5. You still work out/sleep in shirts such as this:

    6. You have posed for this photograph many, many times.

    (Don't forget the funny version.)

    7. You don't see a courtroom, you see an arena.

    8. You don't see girls in pantsuits, you see warriors.

    9. You know that with a great suit comes great power.

    10. You accidentally use mock trial terms — like "strike that" or "sustained" — in day-to-day conversation.

    11. It was hard to break the habit of saying "your honor" at the end of every sentence.

    12. You had a signature hand gesture, like this:

    Or this:

    Or this:

    13. You also had a signature strut.

    14. And a game face.

    15. Though on the inside you went:

    16. Oh, and when your opponent slipped up? You knew it and you nailed 'em.

    17. Not that you didn't have your moments of sheer panic, too.

    18. At least someone always had your back.

    19. Especially your coach.

    20. (Also caffeine.)

    21. Today, when you tell your friends you did mock trial they're like...

    22. And then when you try to explain it they're like:

    23. But if you're honest with yourself...

    It helped shape you into the person you are today.