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10 Times Hollywood Ruined Our Favourite Book Characters And 11 Times They Absolutely Nailed It

"She totally ruins what would have been my favourite film of all time!"

Recently we asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us which book-to-movie character adaptations they loved, which ones they hated. Here are some of the best suggestions:

1. Ginny Weasley from the Harry Potter films.

2. Tris Prior from the Divergent films.

3. Willy Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

4. Annabeth Chase from the Percy Jackson & the Olympians films.

5. Leah Burke from Love, Simon.

6. Ron Weasley from the Harry Potter films.

7. Edward Cullen from the Twilight films.

8. Peter Pan in Peter Pan.

9. Emma Bloom from Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children.

10. Sam from The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

11. John Ambrose McClaren from To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You.

12. Albus Dumbledore from the Harry Potter films.

13. Benedict Cumberbatch from Sherlock.

14. Amy March from Little Women.

15. Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games films.

16. Elio Perlman from Call Me by Your Name.

17. Charlie Kelmeckis from The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

18. Starr Carter from The Hate U Give.

19. Samwise Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings films.

20. Elizabeth Bennet from Pride & Prejudice.

21. Bella Swan from the Twilight films.

Note: Some entries were edited for length and/or clarity.

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