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15 Things You Should Know About Working Out During Ramadan

Don't worry; it's do-able.

BuzzFeed Health talked to registered dietitian Shireen Hakim, M.S., M.P.H., and John Berardi, Ph.D., author of Intermittent Fasting and founder of Precision Nutrition, about the ins and outs of exercising while fasting for Ramadan. Be sure to talk to your doctor before exercising during a fast.

1. When it comes to timing your workouts, it really depends on your energy levels and schedule.

2. Here are few of the best times to work out during Ramadan:

3. Don't plan on working out for the first 7-10 days of Ramadan.

4. Doing a few smaller fasts leading up to Ramadan might make the fast easier.

5. If possible, try not to become too preoccupied with "messing up" your workout routine.

6. Make your approach to exercise during Ramadan about maintenance rather than progress.

7. Some people might be able to handle (modified) high-intensity intervals training.

8. You can also think of it as an opportunity to practice form or skills.

9. But take a break from any movement that's highly technical or that requires a lot of focus.

10. If you feel light-headed or foggy, take a moment to assess whether you should be exercising at all.

11. Do not — repeat: do not — skip suhoor.

12. And try to have a suhoor that's filled with complex carbs along with protein and healthy fat.

13. Also, try to have a balanced meal with plenty of protein at iftar.

14. Use iftar as an opportunity to rehydrate.

15. Keep in mind that you probably won't lose weight during Ramadan, even if you're exercising.

This piece is part of a series of posts and essays celebrating Ramadan. Click here to read more!

Social images via Anjali Prasertong / Via thekitchn.com and Lindsay Hunt via BuzzFeed.