This District Magistrate Had A Meal Cooked By A Widow To Dispel Villagers' Superstitions

    Parents in the village had prevented Sunita Kumar from serving meals to their children.

    In February, 2014, Sunita Kuwar, a cook from Kalyanpur, Bihar, was prohibited by villagers from making mid-day meals for their children in school, as they consider widows a bad omen.

    On December 17, Kuwar approached District Magistrate Rahul Kumar for help at his weekly town-hall meeting with the villagers.

    Some misled villagers opposed a widow cook and threatened to withdraw their Children from school after she was rightfully reinstated.

    He assured her that she would get her job back again, and in an effort to help dispel the villagers' superstitions, he ate a meal cooked by her at the meeting.

    And, after almost two years, Kuwar has now been reinstated in her position.

    Sometimes u do symbolic things to overcome people's beliefs. Asked the same widow cook to serve me the meal.

    People have responded amazingly to Kuwar's gesture after he posted the story online.

    Some have also stepped forward to provide aid for Kuwar.

    One Mr. Satyapal Sharma from Canada came ahead to assist the lady financially. Thanks all of you for spreading the word.

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