J.K. Rowling, Stephen Fry, And Neil Gaiman Had The Best Conversation About The Jaipur Litfest

    Squad goals.

    English actor and writer Stephen Fry is currently in India attending the Jaipur Literature Festival 2016.

    A few hours into the fest, Stephen Fry wrote a tweet about how he was finding it hard to stick to his resolution of not taking any selfies this year.

    My new year's resolution causing some consternation here at the @JaipurLitFest but I'm sticking to it … er … resolutely #noselfies

    He got a reply from fellow celebrated author Neil Gaiman, who had a suggestion to offer.

    @stephenfry @JaipurLitFest Perhaps you could hand out paper cutouts of your face, which people could photograph themselves standing beside.

    And if that wasn't enough, J.K. Rowling joined in with a suggestion of her own, and made this the most epic literary conversation that the Litfest will be part of this year.

    @neilhimself @stephenfry @JaipurLitFest Or take a caricaturist with you wherever you go.

    Too much talent for one thread.