This TV Show Is Under Fire For Ripping Off Its Trailer From An Indian YouTube Video

    The trailer for Bahu Hamari Rajni_Kant has a premise similar to a 2015 YouTube Comedy Hunt sketch.

    In September 2015, YouTube channel Random Chikibum released a sketch titled "Marriage Counseling" as part of the YouTube Comedy Hunt.

    A couple of weeks ago, Life OK released the trailer for their new show Bahu Hamari Rajni_Kant, which seems to have the exact same premise as the Random Chikibum sketch.

    Random Chikibum posted the two videos on their social media pages alleging plagiarism by Life OK.

    A lot of people have noticed the similarities, including many Indian stand up comedians who have been rallying for action to be taken against the show.

    @awryaditi @LifeOKTV @randomchikibum @YouTubeIndia Hope they're being taken to court over this. Needs to happen.

    Well if you think this is copied from , and you think it's not right, please RT

    Hey @LifeOKTV Is this true ?? Please revert !

    BuzzFeed has reached out to Life OK and is awaiting a response.