The Internet Wants You To Believe That Those Fucking Useless Ink Erasers Work; Here's The Truth

    They are just as fuckin' useless as we always believed.

    As a student growing up, you're bound to have crossed paths with the bold-faced lie that is the "ink eraser", an eraser that couldn't erase shit*.

    Over the past couple of weeks, shameless ink eraser-apologists on the internet have tried to peddle the argument that you've been using them all wrong this entire time.

    And in #TIL, this information should shame all of us.

    Apparently, the blue part isn't there to erase ink at all. It's only there to erase pencil marks from grainy art paper.

    But if that's true, why draw a fucking pen on that side of the eraser, you tell me that!

    @varungrover but then why would there be a drawing of a nib on the blue part???

    And it's not just that particular brand, there's a pen drawn on one side of EVERY multipurpose eraser.

    So I got some supplies and decided to test things out for myself.

    First off, it turns out that they're right. Those nonsense erasers do get pencil marks out of coarse art paper.

    But here's the thing, a normal eraser actually does the job just as well. If anything, it might actually do it better!

    Secondly, when buying supplies for this post, my stationery guy gave me an eraser that LITERALLY stated "pen and ballpen eraser" on it.

    So I took a bunch of different pens to run a field test. And let's just say, dear readers, that the results were pretty damn damning.

    Those little spawns of hell are good for nothing except leaving trails of eraser dust in the wake of the destruction they cause.

    Evidently, the one thing they're kiiinda sorta decent at erasing are pencil marks. BUT WE ALREADY HAVE NORMAL ERASERS FOR THAT, YOU FOOLS.

    NOW I don't wanna keep repeating myself by saying that ink erasers are useless...

    But, guys, they're pretty fucking useless.