14 Actual Sex Things People Wish They Learned In Sex Ed

    Hygiene, techniques, and more.

    On Saturday, the hashtag #SexEdWontTeachYou began trending on Twitter. It was basically thousands of people sharing what sex education in high school should have taught us.

    Sex ed in 1948

    Keep in mind, these people are not experts or doctors, but their advice can be pretty useful/interesting. They shared what they wish they were taught about...

    1. Fingering:

    #SexEdWontTeachYou That's my clitoris, no a fucking guitar hero controller

    Twitter: @JooieSama

    2. Moaning:

    #SexEdWontTeachYou that sometimes women fake moan 😂 because

    Twitter: @25ShadesOfBrown

    3. Hygiene:

    She’s not sucking your dick bc yours balls smell like old tuna. #SexEdWontTeachYou

    Twitter: @KevinBo74820549

    4. Rough play:

    #SexEdWontTeachYou how to know he’s a real one

    Twitter: @RawBeanCoal

    5. These four things:

    #SexEdWontTeachYou how to have an open dialogue with your partner about your wants and needs. It also kind of fucking sucks on consent.

    Twitter: @JBRLPC

    6. The alphabet method:

    #SexEdWontTeachYou That Sam Kinison got it right when he was advocating for the Alphabet Method. After mastering it, you can pen masterpieces.

    Twitter: @KindaSquirrelly

    7. LGBTQ-related sex topics:

    #SexEdWontTeachYou anything gay-related and it sucks for the many kids who don’t have any interest in straight sex.

    Twitter: @thejoffery

    8. Consent, pre-cum, and peeing after sex:

    #SexEdWontTeachYou :Consent has to be on BOTH sides.Talking someone into sex is coercion not consent. Men can be raped too, basically anything if you’re LGBTQ+.You can get pregnant from pre-cum which is why the pulling out method doesn’t always work. Also always pee after sex!

    Twitter: @undecided399

    9. Boundaries:

    #SexEdWontTeachYou So many things... including how to even just have a decent relationship, how to be kind to yourself and your partner, how to create boundaries to protect yourself, all things I wish I'd been taught a lot earlier

    Twitter: @Reina__Rockwell

    10. Group sex:

    Oh god, I wake up and #SexEdWontTeachYou is trending. OK, #SexEdWontTeachYou that, sometimes, it is more fun as a group:

    Twitter: @LorneEC3

    11. Condoms breaking:

    #SexEdWontTeachYou that men actually know when the condom breaks because the sex starts to feel so much better. Don’t let em lie to you, Queens, they know.

    Twitter: @yourditarrie

    12. Riding and oral:

    #SexEdWontTeachYou how to ride someone, how to eat pussy and vagina and ass if that is your preference. 😂😂

    Twitter: @mizzzhot

    13. Cleaning:

    #SexEdWontTeachYou how to douche your ass for anal

    Twitter: @notsopius

    14. And finally, the cleanup:

    #SexEdWontTeachYou which setting is best for sticky sheets.

    Twitter: @bringbakerback

    What do YOU wish you were taught in sex ed? Let me know in the comments below!