21 New Viral Tweets Anyone In College Will Pee Themselves Laughing At

    "I skip test questions like I’m gonna be a different person when I come back to them."


    college is cool because people can cry or sleep anywhere and everyone completely understands the situation


    Roommate: don’t you have a class right now? Me: yeah why https://t.co/oB56pwwtKo


    professors: don’t be afraid to ask questions me: *asks a question* professors: you fucking idiot


    I skip test questions like I’m gonna be a different person when I come back to them


    me looking at my professor when people start zipping backpacks a few mins before class ends bc i want them to know i’m still listening https://t.co/lKoq2rbp04


    Ever since college, that spongebob episode where he has to write an essay and ends up burning his house down to escape it is too relatable


    guys rlly join a frat and forget they’re ugly


    me: doesn’t understand a concept professor that has studied the subject for 32 years:


    Me after failing a second exam in a class https://t.co/t4d6FQoa8g


    Sunday’s are for starting your homework due at 11:59 at 10pm and seeing how absolutely stressed you can make yourself


    Oh that’s your girl? Then why did she just respond to my discussion post on a Sunday night and tell me she agreed with what I said and it was “very interesting” lmaoooo


    Teacher: “I’m not gonna say names, but one person got a 52” Classmate: “Maaan, who the fuck got a 52?!?!” *class laughs* Me, hiding my paper with a 52: https://t.co/kt1pZFy2uh


    do i rlly need this degree if the earth is dying


    When your drowning in homework but you decide to go out w/ your friends instead https://t.co/AOtqJrggra


    College is so weird like the future leaders, teachers and doctors for our country are slamming beer cans against their heads and blacking out on Mondays


    College students when we get free food and a T-shirt https://t.co/LWQczHdzcD


    College is a bunch of “wya” lmao all day everyday


    Mom: “Are you learning anything in college ?” Me:


    went to class today really thinking i had grabbed my computer off the kitchen counter


    high school graduation: no phones, no talking, no shenanigans or the school keeps your diploma college graduation: rolling in with coffee still hungover/still drunk while snapchatting yourself walking down the aisle and dabbing after receiving your diploma


    me driving on campus: if u don’t move I will hit u omg me walking on campus: what r they gonna do lol hit me