24 Things Only People With Strict-ish Parents Will Get

    "I'll be home when I'm home."

    1. Your parents are the king and queen of threats that initially sound horrifying.

    2. And for those few seconds when the threat seems serious, you are terrified. Then you realize who you're dealing with.

    3. They're very strict with get-togethers — literally 10 to 15 people MAX.

    4. But they'll buy you guys pizza and let you have some beers — as long as everyone hands over their keys.

    5. Your curfew is precise and basically non-negotiable.

    6. But how many times has that stopped you from breaking it? ZERO.

    7. They're super serious about you helping around the house. That to-do list is NOT a suggestion.

    8. But when it comes to a clean room, as long as it doesn't ~look~ like a pig pen, you're good.

    9. There's also no way in hell you can be alone with someone in your room...

    10. ...without one of them checking on you guys.

    11. Still, if you piss them off, they'll swear you're grounded for life and drag you to the fiery pits of hell.

    12. But we all know they're incapable of staying mad at you, so that'll only last like an hour.

    13. By now, you've learned to ALWAYS capitalize on their good moods, which is when they’ll say yes to anything.

    14. Like when you want to borrow the car. Yeah, that's not gonna happen...

    15. ...unless you promise to wear your seatbelt, not text and drive, and let them know when you reach your destination.

    16. You've accidentally revealed something to them, forgetting that it's your PARENTS YOU'RE TALKING TO.

    17. But then you realize they really don't give a fuck because they're no angels.

    18. There are also those times you’re certain you’re in deep shit because they're blowing up your phone.

    19. When in reality they just wanna hang.

    20. They lecture you about social media and act like you committed triple homicide if you curse or post about drinking.

    21. But then they'll pose for these types of pics and plaster them all over Facebook.

    22. Finally, they keep you on your toes literally 23-fucking-6.

    23. Because there's just always that thin line between them being your parent:

    24. And your bestie.