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These Tattoo Experts Critiqued A Bunch Of Celebs' Tattoos And It's Pretty Hilarious

"Justin Bieber's tats — we call this littered with garbage."

The hosts of Spike TV's Ink Master, Chris Nunez and Oliver Peck, sat down with GQ and Condé Nast Entertainment to analyze celebrities' tattoos. Here's what they had to say!

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Justin Bieber has the "worst taste imaginable."

Rihanna's hand tat should have been a henna.

Demi Lovato's lion "looks like what it's supposed to."

But Cara Delevingne's lion is a "turd smear."

Nick Cannon's tat "fits his forearm well."

Lil Wayne's tattoos are more about quantity than quality.

Angelina Jolie's tiger tattoo is traditional and "very cool."

While Mike Tyson's face tat is the purest example of not giving a shit anymore.

Ed Sheeran's tattoo is a big ol' Crayola drawing.