People Are Sharing Common Phrases That Scream Someone Is Probably A Bad Person

    If someone says any of these, run.

    On Saturday, Reddit user u/_ThatNormieKid asked the question, "What is a phrase most often used by assholes?" People came through with things we've all heard that basically prove the person who said them is a huuuuge asshole.

    Here's what they said:

    1. "When someone asks you why something happened, and then they immediately say, 'Don’t give me excuses.'"


    2. "The people who say 'Life's not fair' usually say it to justify mistreating someone."


    3. "When you call someone out on their toxic behavior and they respond with, 'That’s just the way I am.' Or they say, 'If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.'"


    4. "'You'll change your mind.' It’s so fucking dismissive and annoying. Especially in regards to having children. If someone in their mid-20s tells you they don't plan on having any children in their life, you don't get to decide that they are wrong."


    5. “People who say, 'I tell it how it is'' are often the people who can’t be told how it is!"

    6. "When they say, 'Do you know who I am?'"


    7. "'My truth.' Yep, if everyone is living 'their truth,' it doesn't leave much room for THE ACTUAL TRUTH."


    8. "'I'm an alpha.' Or anything related to it."


    9. "When a Karen/customer says, 'Don't you know that the customer's always right?'"


    10. "'Only God can judge me' is the worst. I hate when people say that because usually they lead a very unholy life."


    11. "'If you had a question about it, you should have asked.' You know damn well you gave me the wrong instructions, and you are trying to pin the problem on me."


    12. "'Just saying' — after saying something completely inappropriate or ignorant, or unintelligently giving their personal take on a controversial trend they know little to nothing about."


    13. "You tell them about something that you're going through and they reply with, 'I've been through worse.'"


    14. “When they say, 'Don’t be so sensitive!' after saying something awful."


    15. "Saying, 'Because I can' or 'Because I said so' after being asked, 'Why?'"


    And lastly, anytime someone begins with:

    16. "'No offense, but...'"


    What did they miss? Let me know in the comments below!

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.