Justin Bieber Thinks This Graphic Pic Of A Tiger Biting Off A Langur's Head Is Beautiful And I'm Like ?????? ..... ???

    "Circle of life..."

    Justin Bieber posts some interesting things on his Instagram, like his toes and stairs:

    More stairs:

    And even a weird ultrasound of a dog:

    Basically, he just always makes me go like this: ???????????????????????????????????????????

    He confused the shit out of me when he posted this photographer's picture of a tiger devouring a langur over the weekend:

    Here's what he captioned the photo:

    "This is animal instinct, not cruel or unfair. Just nature and a part of life. It is beautiful. Don't be afraid, sad, or disgusted by this. It is nature, natural. Circle of life..."

    Like, OK, yes, circle of life. It's definitely a thing.

    But why, Justin? Why did you post this? Is it some sort of clue to an album, or are you just in the mood to post a tiger devouring its prey?

    I would say that I want answers now, but I'm not sure I do. If you have thoughts or answers, let me know below.