Justin Bieber DM'd Someone Who Dissed His New Album And I'm Side-Eying

    "Justin Bieber just DM'd me."

    I know you love drama, so let's get right to it.

    Justin Bieber released his new album, Changes, on Friday.

    Podcaster Maria Ciuffo was not a fan. She tweeted that she had to put on Harry Styles' album, Fine Line, to "get the bad taste" of Justin's album out of her mouth.

    I had to put on the Fine Line Harry Styles album to get the bad taste of Justin Bieber’s Changes out of my mouth

    While Maria was recording her podcast, Chicks in the Office, Justin DM'd her.

    That moment when you’re live on radio reviewing Justin Bieber’s new album and Justin Bieber DMs you about not liking his album. Full story and reaction coming on Monday’s podcast...

    "Justin Bieber just DM'd me. I swear to god."

    "Too bad," he wrote.

    Justin Bieber just DM’d me because of my tweet about his album. I’m sad it happened this way.

    If Justin ever DM'd me, I'd freak out, but Maria mustered up a pretty clever response:

    Keep in mind, this could be a fake screenshot. I don't think it is, but just sayin'!

    I've been checking Maria's Twitter to see if Justin has replied. He hasn't, but when/if he does, I'll be sure to update y'all. Bye!