I'm Upset That Travis Scott Doesn't Know Kylie Jenner's Dogs' Names


    So maybe you've seen Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott's recent GQ video, where Kylie quizzes Travis about how well he knows her:

    View this video on YouTube


    In the video, Kylie asks him to name her dogs' names:

    You can kinda tell from the get-go, he does not know.

    Travis did get the first one right — Norman.

    Then it was all downhill from there. He guessed "Pretty," which was wrong.

    Kylie was low-key not happy about it, which I don't blame her for!

    She was basically like, "How could you forget Bambi?????"

    Kylie even tried to give hints, but nope...

    LOL, I do love how after Kylie told him the names, he was like, "Oh yeah, of course!"

    Like, Travis, you def did NOT know that!!!!

    Honestly, though, if you meet my dogs even once you better know their names and treat them like the royalty they are!

    And especially if we are dating/have a child together, memorize my dogs' names and HONOR THEM accordingly!

    Anyway, Travis did get most of the other questions correct, so we'll give him a pass for now. But go home and apologize to those dogs!!