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People Are Sharing Ways To Immediately Tell That Someone Is Completely Lying To You

"Brags a lot, exaggerates details, puts you down, and is over-competitive."

On Friday, Reddit user u/Winter_Strict asked people, "What is one of the first signs that someone is full of shit?" I mean, I love hearing these tips and tricks for when someone is straight-up lying or pretending to be someone they're not or just full of it.

Two people looking at a laptop

Here's what people shared:

1. "Shallow responses when you ask them follow-up questions. Your gut feeling about them is usually right."


2. "The guy who did the project will know obscure details about how the project was completed. The guy who’s pretending to have worked on the project will know basic details, if anything at all."


3. "They’ve personally done or know someone who's done anything you’re talking about way better."


a man looking at his phone while his partner is asleep next to him

4. "Everything that goes wrong is someone else's fault."


5. "They make claims, point to 'sources,' can't answer simple and objective questions. Usually get irritated."


6. "Answering a question with a question."


Two people talking in an office by the window

7. "They seem to know about everything. There's no subject, show, band, or whatever that you can bring up without them knowing something about it. Used to know a bar owner who would make up band names when meeting someone like this. Didn't call them out, just used it to gauge if they'd be honest and just admit, 'Oh, I don't know them.'"


8. "Brags a lot, exaggerates details, puts you down, and is over-competitive."


9. "They will say things like, 'My IQ is ___.'"


Two people sitting on a couch and talking

10. "They make a lot of big promises and extensive plans very early on into meeting them."


11. "When they constantly lie to themselves, but don’t even know they are lying and deceiving themselves. When they are always the 'victim.'"


12. "'I'm not racist but' is usually followed by a lot of racist talk. 'Depression doesn't exist, but I have it' said by a relative who is a narcissistic bully. People who think, it didn't happen because I didn't see it, usually don't believe others, but expect you to believe them at the drop of a hat."


13. "If they demand or seem overly occupied with you agreeing with them. It’s something that people who are full of shit get self-conscious of over time, and it starts to show sometimes."


14. "They get angry when you try to ask follow-up questions to understand parts that don’t make sense."


Two coworkers walking and talking

15. "They give off the vibe that they think they've never made a mistake in their whole lives. Get outta here with that crap."


16. "They start making subtle demands, leading you down some path that you can't quite understand easily. Hard to make sense of them."


17. "I work in corporate. Whenever someone does the 'corporate speak' verbiage, I know they are full of shit."


Have you ever dealt with someone who just seemed like a dishonest person altogether? What signs gave it away? Let me know in the comments below!

Note: Responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.