13 Fails From This Week

    Fails to the rescue.

    1. This whole movie fail:

    Me quarantined with my parents watching sex scenes. Take me now, COVID. #QuaratineLife

    2. This paint fail:

    3. This arrangement fail:

    4. This jump fail:

    5. This airport fail:

    6. This zip line fail:

    7. This autocorrect fail:

    my auntie's local restaurant emailed her this 😭😭😭

    8. This sad fail:

    My dad just walked into the room looking sad as fuck with his fists closed and said “I just realized my office plant is gonna die” bc he’s working from home LMAO

    9. This tweet fail:

    10. This text fail:

    I was talking with my wife and I accidentally texted my boss “Have a good weekend, I love you!”

    11. The hilarious dog-walking fail:

    Every trash day Charlie does this to every trash can 😂

    12. This adorable fail:

    13. And lastly, this conversation fail:

    You can check out some more hilarious fails posts here!