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20 Infuriating Things That Happen In Every College Class

Get the hell out of my unassigned seat NOW.

1. When it's time for first-day icebreakers.

2. When the professor announces that they don't give A's.

3. And that attendance is mandatory.

4. And that you absolutely have a participation grade.

5. When you ask the professor anything that might be on the syllabus.

6. When the kid who didn't do the readings won't shut the fuck up.

me in class pretending to be passionate bc i didn't do the reading

7. And when you get called on and you didn't even raise your hand.

8. And even worse, when someone actually asks a question when the professor says "Any questions?" at the end of class.

9. When the professor goes too fucking fast.

10. When professors mess up the due date.

11. And when they try to say an exam is easy.

12. When professors take forever to give back the exams:

13. And then (WEEKS LATER), when you have to wait anxiously till the end of the class period to get your grade back.

14. When it's time for a big group project.

15. And you don't know (or care to know) anyone in your class.

16. And you just know you're going to wind up doing all the work.

17. When there's a POP QUIZ IN COLLEGE.

18. When someone takes your seat that you've sat in ALL YEAR.

19. And worst of all, when the professor won't round up grades ending in 9.

20. Or any grades, for that matter: