17 Things That Are 100% Fact, Even If They're Not

    Parents really always hide passports in the worst spots...

    Ever see a tweet and been like, "OK, that's not a solid fact, but it's basically 100% true all of the time." Well, we found a bunch of random things on Twitter that even you and your worst enemy would agree on.

    YUP. Here they are:

    1. Opening Shazam:

    I have never opened Shazam not in a rushed panic

    Twitter: @DylanAdler6

    2. Saying this:

    My toxic trait is saying “long story short” and then telling the full length unabridged Snyder cut story anyways

    Twitter: @__papa_

    3. Finding your passport:

    Why do parents hide your passport in the most secretive places

    Twitter: @_ezeokolorie

    4. Being a knives salesperson at one point:

    part of the american teenage experience is looking for a job and almost getting tricked into selling knives

    Twitter: @thedigitaldash_

    5. Knowing someone's about to gram:

    U ever look at someone’s fit and KNOW they’re taking pics on top of a parking garage later.

    Twitter: @FakeKenty

    6. Being shy IRL:

    Friendly af on Twitter, shy af in person LMAO

    Twitter: @lifeof_jaliyah

    7. Never knowing when the Kentucky Derby is:

    every year im given no warning that the kentucky derby is happening. what if i wanted to go

    Twitter: @carterhambley

    8. Seeing recycled memes on Instagram:

    every time i open instagram all i see is tweets i saw 3 days ago on twitter

    Twitter: @jiaaa_gx

    9. Forgetting to do this:

    Ordering food without informing your family is a death wish

    Twitter: @_ezeokolorie

    10. Day drinking:

    Twitter: @Nighthawk_2011

    11. Remembering names:

    What they say: Hi I'm Brandon. This is Liz and Steven. What I remember: Hi I'm BLERPBLAP. This is GLAUNGH and CRAIG or maybe GREG.

    Twitter: @ArielDumas

    12. Simulating this:

    when you clean your room & you leave to see how it would look if someone walked in

    Twitter: @Stetson_nl

    13. Being in this level of pain:

    does your stomach ever hurt so bad that you get completely naked on the toilet?

    Twitter: @moistkombucha

    14. Trying to do this:

    You ever lay next to someone and try to breath like them and almost die???

    Twitter: @benoobrown

    15. Using the fast lane:

    i’ll never understand people who get in the fast lane just to drive the speed limit. this lane is for CRIME

    Twitter: @PleaseBeGneiss

    16. Sticking to the same thing:

    Life is just choosing your subway sandwich when you're 9 and ordering the same one until you die

    Twitter: @sixteenburritos

    17. And lastly, job searching:

    Twitter: @whiskeyfoxxtrot