16 Random Things That Are Like, Basically, Facts Because They're So Damn True

    "Your cousins are either ur bffss or y'all don't fw each other at all."

    1. This is how being tired works:

    12 pm: tired 2 pm: tired 5 pm: tired 8 pm: tired 2 am:

    2. This is how cousins work:

    ur cousins are either ur bff’s or y'all don't fw each other at all

    3. This is the actual Bermuda Triangle.

    4. Your 20s are for this:

    in my late 20’s which means time to start ⚪️a family 🔘a podcast

    5. PBS kids are the most powerful:

    Kids who grew up with PBS Kids because they didn’t have cable will survive the apocalypse I don’t make the rules

    6. This is self-hate.

    Iiking boys is a form of self hate

    7. Losing chapstick is catastrophic:

    I lost my car chapstick and now my book bag chapstick is in my room and my room chapstick is in my car and my whole life is outta wack

    8. This method (unfortunately) makes sense:

    a therapist: expensive a box of hair dye: $7

    9. This is the litmus test for when you're going through something:

    if iced coffee can’t fix it nothing can

    10. Weekends as adults are tough:

    Weekends as an adult really suck. Friday: you work until 5 and you’re too tired to do anything. Saturday: you want to chill but you have to run errands or be productive. Sunday: you’re mad all day because it’s already almost Monday.

    11. International students use different acronyms:

    12. This is how girls shop:

    Girls don’t actually shop we just walk round touching the clothes saying ‘this is cute’

    13. People who like winter are sick:

    14. This is what the WiFi password experience is like:

    “what’s your WiFi password” “It’s on the back of the router” Router: https://t.co/6adCjXpMgm

    15. This is everyone when it comes to work meetings and TV:

    me: *zones out for 60 min of important work meeting* me: eh me: *zones out for 6 seconds of a TV show* me: reTHEFUCKwind

    16. And finally, everyone who sends professional emails know this is 10000% true:

    Hello world! I am going to tell you about this awful problem I have! Every time I type out a professional email I cannot help but write like this! I cannot stop this habit for I am afraid people will think I am uninterested and rude! Please send help! Thank you for your time!