17 Little Brothers Who Are Absolutely Unpredictable

    "I ordered crab legs, not your attitude." — A little brother to a server

    1. They use technology to do stuff like this:

    Who gave my little brother a 3D printer 🙄

    2. They drag you:

    3. They have no shame:

    My little brother just dabbed on a Christian tv show 😐😐

    4. They take your phone:

    i let my little brother use my phone and ....

    5. They have no fear:


    6. They're oblivious sometimes:

    I was listening to Ex-Factor by Lauryn Hill and as soon as the bridge comes on, my little brother says, “she stole that from Drake off Nice for What.” I-

    7. And mock you:

    my little brother just sent me this to tell me how dumb i look making boomerangs on instagram and i —

    8. They tell it like it is:

    our waitress was giving us a attitude and my 8 year old little brother said “first off I ordered crab legs, not your attitude.” LMFAOOOO

    9. Like, none:

    found this on my little brother's ipad😔 #StopWhiteKids2015

    10. They're unbothered:

    So I wanted to just throw a cheese at my little brother to see what would happen. I realized he didn’t even flinch so I continued to make a whole ass sandwich.

    11. Like, adorably oblivious:

    My little brother learned how to use the water dispenser for our fridge and...

    12. They're always listening:

    I just screamed "I hate myself" and 2 minutes later I hear my little brother sliding this note under my door

    13. No matter who they're talking to:

    14. They're innovative:

    YALL IM DECEASED. My lil brother just walked into my room talking about “every man needs this.” Take notes fellas

    15. They're sensitive:

    Omg my lil brother was gonna fry an egg but he accidentally cracked open a balut egg now he’s crying bc he thinks he killed the bird

    16. They're unfiltered:

    My little brother found this condom in my room and...

    17. And finally, they're unpredictable and hilarious:

    So my little brother is out doing a lemonade stand & our neighbors knocked on our door to let us know he was giving out mikes hard lemonade