17 People Who Are Absolutely Underrated Legends Who Deserve Our Love

    We salute these people.

    1. This non-dabber:

    happy holidays only to emma from teen jeopardy who didn’t know how to dab

    2. This ice skater:

    I went ice skating yesterday and ...

    3. This uncle:

    No your uncle isn’t more uncle than my uncle

    4. This ex:

    5. And this dad, who allllllmost got the meme right:

    6. This anonymous hero:

    Shoutout to the anonymous 6th grader for saving me a couple thousand (Bus not drawn to scale)

    7. This tea-spilling boyfriend:

    Didn’t see my boyfriend for like a week and when we sat down to eat at this restaurant he pulls out a bit of paper and said “ I had so much tea to spill that I didn’t want to forget any details” lmaooooo

    8. And this honest boyfriend:

    I'm in the library and there's a bf helping his gf study and I've been overhearing parts of their conversation for the last hour and he just said "Babe, I'm gonna be honest with you. You're going to fail this test, I love you, but there's nothing we can do about it now" I’m dead

    9. This girl, who capitalized on the long lost friend meme:

    I met this guy on holiday this summer-we had a such a great connection but I changed my number and we lost touch. Twitter do your thing😭🙏🏿❤ https://t.co/rBekHA6TeL

    10. This drunk photographer:

    My fatass was drunk last night and had a photo shoot with my McDonald’s hashbrown at 4AM

    11. This woke brother:

    i told my little brother that it was fine if we didn’t get ice cream and he said “are you sure? i looked it up online and it said when girls say they’re fine they’re not”

    12. This clASSic moment:

    didn’t consider how this sweater would look with a jacket

    13. This Facebook queen:

    14. This iconic concert-goer:

    15. This girl, who was a steak:

    I’ve made a big miss-steak 🥩 servin up some A1 Halloween looks this year

    16. This savage teacher:

    I love grading with my new stickers!

    17. And last but not least, this legend who was not having it:

    TWITTER please find this girl I have to know what that guy said to her