13 Realllly Bad Fails From This Week


    1. This oblivious comment fail, OMG:


    2. And this cute yet oblivious fail:

    so I was telling a girl on tinder about the things I’m interested in. she responded with this:

    3. This adorable fail (the dog's ok!):

    They coulda at least stopped him or taught him how to turn yo lmfaoooo

    4. This car breakdown that turned into a hilarious Mariah NYC moment:

    My adventures on the streets of NYC! Car problems, walking in the rain, shouting out best friends of people stuck in traffic.. typical New York antics!

    5. This missing key fail:

    i was at a wedding with a free bar and my brother lost our room key, i woke up the next morning with this on my story

    6. This iconic next-morning fail:

    Was being responsible and didn’t drive home after happy hour last night. Came back to pick up my car and it’s in a fucking farmers market.

    7. This Grindr fail:

    grindr after hours is not the move yall

    8. This AirDrop fail:

    i accidentally airdropped this to my principal mid-meeting. happy friday.

    9. This reconnect fail:

    A boy gave me his number last night and it turns out I had texted him three years ago after he was drunk on his birthday and lost his friends and his phone died and I had to send him home in an Uber. Yes, he’s a Virgo.

    10. This "phone number neighbor" fail:

    11. This error message fail:

    So was my transaction declined or was it approved? 🤔

    12. This epic Tinder bio fail:

    13. This structural fail:

    14. And lastly, this fitting fail that turned into a hilarious win:

    I told my boyfriend to show me pictures of my outfits that I ordered and I for sure was not expecting this...

    You can check out some more hilarious fails posts here!