12 Fails From This Week That Are Hysterical

    We love a good fail.

    1. This mom's interior design fail:

    I honestly have no idea why my mother has done this. 🤔

    2. This romantic fail:

    shoutout to the boy who drunk texted me last night and blocked me this morning because he’s in a relationship

    3. And this failed pick-up line:

    I’ve been thinking about this all day... #Tinder #Dating #Toronto

    4. This fail of a frog:

    I can't stop thinking about this perfect frog

    5. This fall:

    When your friend thinks she's a stripper 😂😂 @clairecampbel9

    6. And this one too:

    i watched my wife fall off a cliff... you’re whole world can change in a matter of seconds. mine almost did. a good reminder to be grateful for every moment of it. the good and the bad. the happy and the sad. because you’re here.

    7. This workplace transgression:

    Today in office fridge war crimes, someone on my floor has reported that someone stole their pickle......juice. Not the pickles. Just the juice. And put the dry pickles back in the fridge.

    8. This better-safe-than-sorry fail:

    Today I thought I saw a woman dressed as a handmaid about to jump from a building. I called 911.

    9. This MDW fail:

    Careful if you get to the pool this weekend! 🙃🙃#FailArmy #Fail #Pool

    10. This shady accidental text:

    My mom really just accidentally texted me to stay away from myself cause I’m being a bitch instead of texting my sister... ty

    11. And this one too:

    i went to text my gf that i was leaving to see her and accidentally texted my DAD “Leaving baby” please put me out of my misery

    12. And lastly, this failed attempt:

    Everyone is cute enough to ignore this guy