27 Things You'll Only Know If You Grew Up Gay In The '90s

    Yep, I'm a disco-dancing, Oscar Wilde-reading, Streisand ticket-holding friend of Dorothy.

    1. That Anderson Cooper was a brunette fox on Channel 1.

    2. That all good things deserve two snaps.

    3. That Rosie O'Donnell was a little too good at baseball to be obsessed with Tom Cruise.

    4. That only certain men have their right ears pierced.

    5. That people meant something else when they called you "creative"...

    6. ...or a "tomboy."

    7. That sometimes your music collection knows more about you than you.

    8. That Rickie from My So-Called Life spoke directly to your heart.

    9. That sometimes you could only be yourself on Saturday at midnight...

    10. ...or in an AOL chat room.

    11. That teens are able to handle tough reading material.

    12. That San Francisco was more than just Silicon Valley.

    13. That the length of a year is exactly five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes.

    14. That cheerleaders and steel mill workers can be gay.

    15. That there are a lot of ways of saying the same thing.

    16. That your best friend might not be gay, even if you really, really wish they were.

    17. That not every gay man is like Jack from Will & Grace.

    18. That Constant Craving has always been.

    19. That you better work.

    20. Even if you have frosted tips.

    21. That it's pronounced "P-Flag," and not "Pahflag."

    22. That Jill Sobule kissed a girl long before Katy Perry did.

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    23. That your Blockbuster rentals looked very different than your friends'.

    24. That there was a time when MTV's Real World got...real.

    25. That tolerance is a first step...

    26. ...but it only goes so far.

    27. That there are other disco-dancing, Oscar Wilde-reading, Streisand ticket-holding friends of Dorothy in the world.