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You're Only A True "Euphoria" Fan If You Know Every Word To Cassie's "I Have Never, EVER Been Happier" Monologue

"...you better be joking."

Say whatever you want about Euphoria, the writing, or the show's creator himself...but Cassie's red-faced, teary-eyed, gingham-clad monologue in the third episode of Season 2 is — dare I say — a work of art.

Now that you've had over a month to learn it, consider this your official test. If you've been meticulously studying every moment of this monologue the way I have, all you have to do is tap on the correct next word or words under each question below. Since I'm not a monster, I left out the GASPS, but you should definitely feel free to ~recite them in your mind~ while you take this.

I'll give you a brief moment to get into character...

Screenshot from "Euphoria" episode: Kat saying "Why do you look like that?"
Screenshot from "Euphoria" episode: Cassie in the bathroom saying "Like what?"
Screenshot from "Euphoria" episode: Maddy in the bathroom responding "like a country music star"
Screenshot from "Euphoria" episode: Cassie responding "In a good way or a bad way?"
Screenshot from "Euphoria" episode: Maddy responding, "Bitch, you better be joking"
Screenshot from "Euphoria" episode: Kat saying "Are you OK, Cass?"


If you need a refresher, have at it.

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