The 29 Best Moments Of Manchester Pride 2014

    Pixie Lott, Edwina Currie, gay bacon – Manchester Pride had it all.

    1. Yesterday, the sun came out for Manchester Pride.

    Check out my blog entry on today's #ManchesterPride at: @MENnewsdesk @MetroUK

    2. Pixie Lott wore this bra especially.

    Adicionamos novas fotos da Pixie se apresentando no "Manchester Pride". Veja em nosso site -

    3. This police car was all gussied up.

    4. As was this helicopter.

    “@NPAS_Barton: NPAS flying with #PRIDE. @gmpolice @GMPPrideNetwork #Manchester #Pride2014 ” LOVE IT! JP

    5. The streets of Manchester were really colourful.

    ❤️ Thousands line Manchester's streets for #Pride parade! #lgbt photos ❤️

    6. Really colourful.

    Are you enjoying the festivities @ManchesterPride today?

    7. Pride dogs were proud.

    @hbsauce Manchester Pride pug!

    8. So proud.

    Look who's just popped up on our @manchesterpride blog... @sean_hansford #FeelTheLove

    9. All quarters were represented.

    My Limited Time at Manchester Pride from earlier Today!

    10. Firemen.

    Caleb the fireman at the very colourful Manchester Pride

    11. Lindas.

    12. Yellow pants aficionados.

    Great day at Manchester pride. My highlights. #woof

    13. Plus the NHS.

    @theSNP @Radical_Indy @GreenYes2014 @The_SSP_ @NaeFear Campaigners at Manchester Pride try to save NHS in England.

    14. And SPORRANS.

    15. Important issues were addressed.

    The Pride parade was in Manchester, the message is universal. c/o @MattDCharles & @Naked_Rowers at @ManchesterPride

    16. Bold claims were made.

    With @LGBTLabour at Pride. The only time I'll be caught wearing red in Manchester ... #neverkissedatory

    17. And Pizza Hut asked all the right questions.

    18. Lea DeLaria from Orange Is the New Black said hi.

    19. And so did Edwina Currie.


    21. GAY BACON sounded like the best thing ever.

    @EpicMealTime Was a Pride march in Manchester today and they were handing gay bacon strips!!

    22. And some hero made THIS.

    23. KITT from Knight Rider turned up, because of course it did.

    Super car at manchester pride ✌️

    24. This wig was particularly wonderful.

    One of the best Manchester Pride's so far, film to edit-hope rain keeps off for Notting Hill filming

    25. In fact, it all was pretty awesome.

    All ready for Manchester Pride @unisonnwlgbt @unisontweets @UNISONLGBT @NorthWestUNISON #manchesterpride

    26. Spiky red people: awesome.

    27. Cupids on stilts: awesome.

    Oh hello sailor ha! Manchester gay pride

    28. The Statue of Liberty: awesome.

    29. And this man being a Manchester Pride rainbow in a toilet for no apparent reason: awesome.